Control pests
To combat vermin, you must first thoroughly clean your
apartment to take place. Not only you, but also your neighbors serve here
to cooperate. We ask you before submitting a report to us
should first take the following steps;
All food must be stored in lockable plastic
baking. Cardboard packaging, plastic bags and others
Unfortunately, packaging materials do not stop mice, they gnaw here
she through.
The houses must be thoroughly cleaned, especially with care
for a thorough cleaning along all walls in the home.
Mice run along walls and corners in their running routes. Make this
clean with strong-smelling cleaning agents (eg
bleach/lemon etc.)
Place bait boxes in dark areas, behind cabinets, etc.
If you are bothered by pigeons, rats and/or others in the vicinity of your home
vermin, you should contact the municipality.Ventilation advice homes
There is a collection of moisture in your home due to various causes. All this
moisture must be removed daily by ventilation.
By properly ventilating you ensure that there is constant fresh air in your home
can come in. With the ventilation system polluted and humid air is released
discharged. And fresh air replaces that.
as a result, you should never switch off the mechanical ventilation completely. The
installation should be run at the lowest setting. The power consumption in this is
minimal. If you choose to turn it off completely, you can suffer
getting damp and mold problems in your home.
Garden maintenance
Garden maintenance is not part of the rented property. You are responsible for this yourself
for the maintenance of your garden. If you are bothered by a tree, you can
however, do not cover yourself. For this you need to contact
Noise disturbance
Do you experience noise nuisance from your neighbours? Then first have the conversation with
each other. Unfortunately, especially older homes in the inner cities are often
very noisy, the owner of your home cannot do much about this.
Try to agree times with each other when you work at home, for example,
and noise pollution can be extra disturbing. When talking to each other
does not offer a solution, you can use a mediator through the municipality
to request.
o In the event of serious nuisance complaints outside the rules set by the central government
and standards (cf
in-de-wet) you can always call in your local police officer.
Central heating boiler malfunction / heating does not work
Do you have a shared boiler with, for example, your neighbours? Then call/email us
straight away
Do you have your own boiler? First check the pressure of your boiler, you can enter
find the online manual of your boiler what the minimum &
maximum pressure of your boiler. Here you can also find a manual
Find out how to top up your boiler.
Have you recently bled your radiators? If not, run this first, and fill
your central heating boiler afterwards
If you are still experiencing problems with your boiler after the steps above,
call/email us directly
Clogged toilet/sink
Keeping the indoor sewer clean and unblocking is one
tenant issue. The indoor sewer runs up to the connection point
from the house to the municipal sewer. If you live in an apartment, then
it runs within sewer up to the downpipe of it
apartment block.
You are responsible for clearing blockages in your own
drains, blockages are often easy to fix with soda and
boiling water. NB! Do not use chemical drain cleaners.
If you can't clear the blockage, one should
unclogging company to be switched on. chemical
drain cleaners are very dangerous and can cause burns, among other things
cause to the employees of the unclogging company.
Did you use a drain cleaner? Then notify us of the quantity and the
brand/type of this product so that we can properly service the unclogging company
to inform.
- Has unblocking with Soda and boiling water not helped? Then send us one
service request via the website. Pay attention, when it appears that the blockage is
caused by your doing, you will be charged for it
remedy the blockage.
What to do in the event of a power failure
To avoid being completely without light during a power outage, guess
we advise you to place a flashlight in your meter cupboard at all times. If you have a
have a rechargeable flashlight, make sure it is charged at all times.
If you own a flashlight that works on batteries, put it all away
times spare batteries nearby.
A power outage can occur due to several factors. A power failure can
caused by a short circuit due to a defect in the wiring or a broken
device, this may also occur due to overload.
If there is a power failure in your entire home, it may be that the
a general power failure. If this is the case, please get in touch
with the general fault number on 0800 9009